How to Add Featured Video Thumbnails in WordPress


Some sites you may want to have a video as your post’s thumbnail instead of a featured image. Normally WordPress would not allow this to be done but there is a plugin for that. In this video, we will show you how to add featured video thumbnails in WordPress.

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Summary of this Tutorial:

Start by installing and activating the Featured Video Plus plugin.

Then go to a post to work with it. You will see a new featured video metabox to place your video url.

Click off the box and it will bring the video thumbnail.

Under Settings, Media you can fine tune the plugin.

You can decide to replace the featured image automatically, if it will autoplay, and the size of the video.

You can adjust how YouTube acts on the site and the theme to use, as well as if it should show the full screen button.

On the side you will see

Related Links:

Featured Video Plus

Featured Video Plus



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About the Author: admin

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