There are multiple post rating systems you can add to your site through plugins or other methods. We found one that may be good for sites to use. In this video, we will show you how to add a post rating system in WordPress.
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Summary of this Tutorial:
Start by installing and activating the WP-PostRatings plugin then go to Ratings, Rating Options to configure.
You can pick the ratings image to use and them pick the max ratings, and then update for ajax styling, ratings permissions, and loging method then save changes.
Next, decide where we want the ratings to show. If we just want the ratings on select posts you can add the shortcode to the post.
If you want it on all posts you would need to add some code to your archive, page, index, single, and loop page or at least the ones your theme has.
Now your visiotrs can vote on your posts and you’ll be able to see the rating.
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