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We hear a lot about transforming ourselves – improving ourselves. This is especially true, as we get older, when you’ve already faced many of life’s battles and you aren’t as full of energy to face challenges as you once were. Don’t worry; we’re going to make self improvement easy, no matter what your age. Here are some ideas you can implement. 

1. Think Positive
Start every day on a positive note. Wake up and be thankful for at least one thing. Then start to think about all the thing you can accomplish. Don’t be afraid to dream. Think of each new milestone as a new beginning.

2. Complete What You Start 
If you start something, it’s important that you finish it. If you are doing a home project set a goal to complete it from the day you start it. If you are reading a book, every day read a few pages. If you have chores to do get them done early and you can enjoy the gratification for the job you did well.

3. Face Your Fears 
We all like to stay in our comfort zone. Facing our fears can be challenging – in fact, it can be terrifying. Every day, try to do something that makes you uncomfortable or fearful. This is a great way to push yourself to grow. 

4. Exercise Every Day
You need to exercise every single day. Now it’s time to experience them. Exercising will not only make you healthier and stronger, it will make you look good and you will feel good.

5. Read Books on Self Improvement
You will gain great knowledge and grow when you read various books on self improvement. You will get a different view of yourself; you will be able to take away things that can help you to improve yourself.

6. Loose the Bad Habit 
We all have a bad habit or two. There are things you engage in that are bad for you, like smoking, and there are people who bring out the worst in you. The time has come to let them go and to let those bad habits go. It can be overwhelming so focus on one habit at a time Make sure you begin to surround yourself with the kind of people that will bring out the best in you. Find friends that are healthy for you.

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