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  How to Build Your Self Confidence  

Have you ever wished you had the confidence that someone else has? Have you ever wondered what their secret was? Why do some people build confidence with ease while others have a hard time? It is the age old question. What if you could build the same self confidence? The good news is you can. Are you ready to learn the secrets?

1. Learn and Improve
If you want to build confidence, get better at something. Put your energy into building your expertise in a certain area. Not sure, what you want to become an expert in? Consider where your strengths are and where your talents are. 

How many times have you said, “I’m worthless,” or “I’m useless,” to yourself? Well, my friend, that is not the truth. Every individual is born for a purpose, and you just need to find it. It all starts with the thing you love to do. Is it painting, cooking, teaching, building objects or solving complex mathematical equations? No matter where your interests may lie, you can become an expert. All you have to do is persevere.

The more you do something the better you get at it. Taking the first step is the most difficult, but it’s important to take a leap of faith and find the courage to take that initial step. You will find the road ahead much easier. Practice and perfect – keep working at it. Your self confidence will increase in no time at all. Set challenges and goals you can achieve to build your self-confidence.

2. We Don’t Live in a Perfect World
We don’t live in a perfect world so don’t try to create it. We all make mistakes. Don’t convince yourself that you won’t make mistakes, because you are going to. If you aren’t making mistakes, at least now and then, you aren’t trying anything new. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Think of them as learning opportunities. Try to learn from those mistakes.

3. Always Believe in You
Be comfortable in your own skin. It’s the biggest boost you can give your self confidence. What really matters is that you are okay with who you are. What others think really doesn’t matter. You have the power to change your destiny. You should accept who you are strengths and weaknesses. Know your limitations. Strive to become better and you will. 

4. Avoid Negativity
Are you a glass half full or glass half empty person? Avoid negative thinking and look for the positive in situations. Try to avoid negative people too. You’ll be much better for it.

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