Social CRM can play an important role in your marketing strategies, especially in a world that is hyperactive around social networking. Let’s look at 5 things you can do to increase your social CRM success.
1. Ensure Your Social Media Messages Are in Alignment With Your Brand Image
Even with social media, visitors want to feel like it’s a real live person they are talking with. You want to ensure the tone of your messages on your social media sites are in alignment with your company. For example, a laid back coffee house that caters to university students can have a casual, relaxed tone on their social media page, but a big corporation dealing with money investment must be professional, courteous and information. In other words, know what your brand image is and who your audience is.
2. A Timely Responses to Customers is Necessary
How fast you respond to a customer is as important as your response. The faster the better. We live in a world of ‘instant’ and so when a customer asks a question they want an answer immediately. They should not have to wait hours for their answer. This is especially true if they have a complaint. You will have to work at staying on top of it, but the reward it customer trust and loyalty.
3. Take Advantage of the Group Feature
Thankfully, the three most important social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter) make this simple. You can easily create groups such as Prospects, Current Customers, Positive Feedback, etc. You can then create social campaigns for each group of visitors. This is a very helpful tool.
4. Be as Human as Possible – Put a Name & a Face to It
People on social media want to interact with ‘real people’ not with nameless corporate entities. When you are building relationships on your social networking make sure that you are using your name and it’s a good idea to have a picture of yourself attached to your ID.
5. Use Your CRM System to Track More on Your Customer
Integrating your social networking with your CRM system allows you to record far more information on your customer. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by. This is a great way to build your customer profile, which in turn will help you to be able to create marketing campaigns that are even more targeted.
Social networks are an important part of today’s marketing strategies; make sure you get the most out of your social CRM.
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