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  Strategies for Follow up on Your Marketing Videos  

Marketing videos are ‘hot.’ They are a great way to increase your viewers and your customer base, which means an increase in your revenues. Follow up is also an important step in successful marketing videos. Let’s look at some very effective strategies. 

You are going to have to experiment with follow up techniques. Remember nothing is a waste of time. You can learn from every experience. So just because you have made your marketing video doesn’t mean you are done. It is time to promote it – all of the action you take after you post your online marketing video works towards growing your exposure and that’s important. 

Try these video campaign follow ups:
* Monitor comments that are left on your videos and then reply to those comments. You can develop conversation about your industry, your brand, your products, etc. and of course answer any comments tied directly to the video.
* Always measure your statistics. If you have a call to action, monitor the sales that come off that call to action. If you have links to your site then monitor those links. 
* Answer any questions that come up. If your viewers are debating topics, you discussed in the video, answer any questions that arise, and allow them to continue the conversation. 

Podcasts for your videos are a good follow up. Don’t make the mistake that it’s done once you post your video to YouTube. Create podcasts, which will help to follow up on your YouTube videos. It will allow you to expand your visibility to millions of possible viewers. You will need to have web host for your video files if you are going to create a podcast feed. 

You can also make use of YouTube annotations. These will direct traffic to additional videos you have or to a call to action. This is a great follow up that can be of great value. It is also beneficial if your information in the video has become out of date and you can add an annotation directing viewers to the new video that has been updated.

The follow up is very important in your online marketing video is very important to enjoying the full benefit of your video campaigns. It is a common mistake of beginners not to follow through and incorporate the follow up with their online marketing video campaign. Don’t let this be your mistake!

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