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There are all kinds of online marketing videos that you can create to bring in viewers and achieve what you want. Let’s have a look at 6 great tips on how to create different types of videos.

#1 Create a Video Tutorial 
This is an excellent way to create video content that will be searched for, found, and viewed. Many online users love step-by-step tutorials. It’s easy to create tutorials. All you need is a webcam. Use software that allows you to create a complete quality video. These range from free to expensive. Camstudio is a free version available and Camtasia is just under $300 but worth every penny. That’s two of many.

#2 Show How to Use the Product
A marketing video should sell your vision while showing how to use your product. That’s what’s going to sell it to your viewers, so make sure you do a good job of demonstrating this.

#3 Respond to Your Customers With Video
When a consumer creates a video about your product whether to praise it, highlight features, or criticize it, you have an excellent opportunity to interact and engage that customer in conversation. You can thank them, expand on what they’ve highlighted, or change their mind. 

#3 Take Advantage of What the Power of the Masses has to Offer
If you don’t think the power of the masses exists just look at what happened when Doritos launched their Crash the Super Bowl campaign. Of course, if you are going to run a video contest it is going to take a lot of planning and perfect execution. There are plenty of different ways to bring the power of the masses on board.

#4 Run Your Own Video Contest
Take advantage of user generated content called UGC and create yourself a video marketing campaign for a video contest. Make sure you have well explained guidelines for your contestants.

#5 Create a Video Series
A single video is fine but if you create a video series then you are going to bring back a lot of your viewers who want to see the next video in the series. Plan each video to connect to the previous video. This is going to translate into more views, more likes, and more sales for you. 

#6 Grow Your Email List Using Videos
To keep growing your business and keep your sales momentum going you need to build a list of people you can regularly contact through email. You can grow our email list by creating videos that encourage your viewers to get their free gift (report, newsletter, e-book) by providing you with their name and email address. 

Great – now that you have 6 great tips on how to create different types of videos why not put them to work.

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