How to Fix WordPress Website Not Updating Right Away


When editing your site it sometimes will not update instantly. This can cause difficulty when trying to view your changes you make on your site. In this video, we will show you how to fix your WordPress website not updating right away.

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Summary of this Tutorial:

To clear your browser cache hit control and f5 in windows or cmd and r on a mac to reload the page.

Second, check if your site is using a caching plugin.

If it is click empty all caches and it should allow your page to update.

You can also have the plugin not cache your front page.

Should those methods not work try deactivating the plugin to see if that resolves the issue.

If that fixes your issue you will want to edit your caching plugin to ensure it is set up correctly.

Our setup guides for these plugins are below.

Related Links:

W3 total cache

WP super cache



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About the Author: admin

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